Alarmingly Bad Comic Archive

this is the only joy Heckle Ghost feels anymore


In life, Heckle Ghost was a Muppet sitting in a balcony

Scream your way to a better you


Assert your dominance by firing guns at the top of a mountain

Still a better love story than Twilight


“So is it be rude to ask you for a ride home?  What’s the etiquette here?”

I'm genuinely surprised this hasn't happened yet


Reporter: “That was some bold playcalling going for the punchline on 2nd down.  Tell us what was going through your mind”


Ham Time

It’s a ham-handed metaphor for the publishing experience

zigazig ah


Man, this guy really hasn’t been on his game since he lost that gold fiddle down in Georgia

Highways are for casuals

Fear Itself

At least my subconscious thinks I’m far enough in the lead to get hit with one of these.

More like shotFUN wedding

Twue Wuv

The wedding reception was a blast.  Only a few people got horribly injured.

wakka wakka


I also have unrealistic expectations of Italian plumbers and hedgehogs but whatever

Serving size: several fat stacks of cash

Partner In Crime

Trust me, you don’t even want to meet my version of the Pillsbury Doughboy

Now he can rest in peace knowing his family will never stumble upon the weird shit he was into

Unfinished Business

I’m not saying I *will* come back as a ghost, but I am saying if I do, this will be why.

It's the law


Telling me not to is only gonna make me want to do it more, my dude

This is why you live in a fortress of solitude, Clark

Super Drunk

Faster than a speeding bullet.  More hammered than a nail. OH HEY, I’ve been getting the word out via social media, but I’ll be at Connecticon next week (holy shit).  If you’re going, you can catch me at booth AC208 in the Artists’ Colony.  Hopefully see you there!

Swing and a miss


What has 2 thumbs and 8 other fingers?  This guyyyyyyy *jazz hands*