Not based on a true story. Yet.
This is actually hell isn’t it
Seriously, Brain? You can’t stay focused for 10 seconds?
He learned about the birds and the bees from the other spiders
Fitting In
Who knew blocks that small could contain all the blood?
Plot Holes
RIP, Jerry
Listening In
Ironically, that flamethrower came with free Prime 2-day shipping
Stark Contrast
You ever just walk into a room and forget why you’re there? Hey didn’t this bank already get robbed once before?
Hot Property
“You mean you want your OWN trash can to live in? Millennials are so entitled these days…”
“You should probably also go to the burn ward and have them take a look at you too after this visit.”
Blazing Saddles
Why is there a horse in the house in the first place
Tax Time
Somewhere, Chris Hansen’s ears start ringing
Good Effort
Whatever, I tried
Eyes On
But can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? For those who haven’t figured it out, a bunch of comic artists on Instagram banded together to do #eyeamthefool, where we all basically did a comic with realistic eyes. Well, I had a second idea so ridiculous that it demanded I […]
The Tomorrow Man
Plot Twist: the anime body pillow was of Frasier
Every freaking time.
Getting Off
Welp, time to run away and start a new life somewhere else.
Brush Brite
Brush Brite is the #1 leading cause of death for dentists who don’t recommend Brush Brite
Mitch Headberg
This is it. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever drawn. And I love it.
Where do you even get taco lingerie? Asking for a friend.