What It’s All About
With a name like that, he was destined for this profession.

Bad Dream
Truly, a nightmare.

Seeing Clearly
Hindsight is 20/20. Or 1, if you know how fractions work.

I’m just not feeling funky fresh enough to be there today, sir.

Sending A Message
If Apple would just come out with a headband, I wouldn’t have to do this.

Knock Knock Knockin’
You would think the reception would be good up here.

Hanging Around
I mean, legally, he’s allowed to do whatever a spider can.

Maturity (The Guide)
IKEA instructions for life (I’ve never been able to follow IKEA instructions)

Kill Switch
Somebody Kickstart this, please.

It *says* ages 5+. I’m clearly over the limit.

He’s like if WebMD was a person.

Fight Me
This is not constructive. Are you sure you’re even a real doctor?

Spin Cycle
Gotta go fAUGHURHGHRHUAH Hey! I’ll be at PAX East this weekend in Boston on Friday and Saturday! If you see me, say hi! Also, if you see me, I’ll be freaked out because there’s a good chance you shouldn’t know what I look like!

Best Intentions
Whatever. I tried.

The Best Answer
Honestly, why are there even other verses to this song?

Mull It Over
It’s just a little off over the top.

False Advertising
Much like this website, I need cookies to run properly.

Stylish And Functional
I mean, who doesn’t like to unwind after a busy day by inflicting some light violence on your own army?

Technical Difficulties
I thought those “High Voltage” signs were the toilet’s difficulty setting…

High Impact Communications
I can usually respond to about 50 emails a day before my arm gets tired.