Alarmingly Bad Comic Archive



It *says* ages 5+.  I’m clearly over the limit.

That's just, like, your medical opinion, man


He’s like if WebMD was a person.

I think the reason he charges so much is because he secretly hates me

Fight Me

This is not constructive.  Are you sure you’re even a real doctor?

Vomit Zone: Act 1

Spin Cycle

Gotta go fAUGHURHGHRHUAH Hey!  I’ll be at PAX East this weekend in Boston on Friday and Saturday!  If you see me, say hi! Also, if you see me, I’ll be freaked out because there’s a good chance you shouldn’t know what I look like!

It's even funnier to imagine Vader's the only one in the Empire who bowls on these lanes

Stylish And Functional

I mean, who doesn’t like to unwind after a busy day by inflicting some light violence on your own army?

I like to warm up with a set of 20 crunch(y tacos)


Alarmingly Bad is now a comic about failed New Year’s resolutions, apparently.

Do face plants need to be watered?


Alarmingly Bad comics in 2017.  What a time to be alive.

He's got the right idea.

Boldly Go

If you’re reading this, congratulations! 2016 hasn’t killed you off yet.

Oh look, a standing ovation and we haven't even started yet

Conquering Fear

For speeches lasting longer than four hours, seek immediate medical attention

Kindness in the first degree

Neighborly Advice

It’s kind of like Citizen Kane.  “Kindness” was the name of his slay.

I don't know how my cover has never been blown, either

Blending In

Don’t be fooled, I’m really just three kids stacked in a trench coat.