Alarmingly Bad Comic Archive

Thanks, Galbor


Thanks, Galbor This comic started out as one thing and then devolved into a thinly veiled self-therapy session.  Apparently I really needed to talk to myself and have this conversation.  Shit is scary out there right now, and there’s no shutting it out or powering through it.  Please be kind and look out for each […]

He's working smarter, not harder


He’s working smarter, not harder

Better late than never


(Taking a quick break from Super/Natural, Inc.) Better late than never

Super/Natural, Inc – Orientation Part 1

Very excited to get to this, even though this is a much bigger commitment than I originally expected and definitely outside of my comfort zone. No idea if folks will even like this kind of stuff, but this story keeps kicking around my head and I felt like doing another arc (or, rather, one part […]