Tag Archives: webcomics
One does not simply float into Mordor
Thanks, Galbor
This comic started out as one thing and then devolved into a thinly veiled self-therapy session. Apparently I really needed to talk to myself and have this conversation. Shit is scary out there right now, and there’s no shutting it out or powering through it. Please be kind and look out for each other.
Comedy is probably needed now more than ever, and if that’s one (small) way I can move the needle, you can be sure I’ll do my part best as I can. Be back with more funny haha soon.
He’s working smarter, not harder
Super/Natural, Inc. – Orientation 1-16
*Roundabout intensifies*
(Taking a quick break from Super/Natural, Inc.)
Better late than never
Super/Natural, Inc. – Orientation 1-13
oh hey welcome back
Super/Natural, Inc. – Orientation 1-7
2 people enter, one person leaves. And then, later, the other person also leaves.
Super/Natural, Inc. Orientation 1-5
“Work here or you will die” I could have made this comic about anything but for some reason I chose Fantasy Capitalism
Super/Natural, Inc – Orientation 1-4
Seems like something you should tell someone out of courtesy